Director, Choreographer, Dancer/Performer, Professor
Andrea Maciel born in 1965 in Brazil. She has dedicated most of her life to the development of projects in the fields of art and education. She has a full degree in Dance from Angel Vianna's University, Rio de Janeiro, BR. Studied eighteen years Muscular Dynamics and Ballet with the master Ceme Jambay, Rio de Janeiro, BR. She is trained in Family Constellation by Instituto Koziner, SP, Brazil. Studied Somatic Movement at Body Mind Movement Brazil. Completed the Scenographic Interior Design - Continuing Education in Art and Design course at the Zurich University of the Arts. Completed the course Arts and International Cooperation - Collaborating in Fragile Contexts and Peacebuilding Processes - Certificate of Advanced Studies at the Zurich University of the Arts. Began her professional career as a dancer at Ballet Stagium, São Paulo, one of the pioneers and most representative Brazilian contemporary dance companies activists for human rights and freedom of expression during the military dictatorship. She is known for her transdisciplinary work with the AMCD (Andrea Maciel Dance Company), where she performed for fifteen years in Rio de Janeiro. She has been critically recognized and awarded for her distinct approach to movement and for her works in choreography and videodance, both as an independent artist, and as a collaborator/performer with many distinguished artists in dance, music, theater and visual art communities. She also worked for seven years as a choreographer and professor at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Bachelor in Contemporary Dance). There she created and coordinated a dance company, Cia. Parallel Universe: research and creation in dance, connecting students from dance, music, arts and communication. Since 2013 she lives and works in Zurich as a freelancer artist and as a ballet, muscular dynamics, contemporary dance and choreography teacher at IsaJazzDance-Berufschule für Tanz, OffDance, Tanzwerk 101. She is currently attending the Creation & Scenario in Music - Certificate of Advanced Studies course at the Zurich University of the Arts. She is also working on her artistic project called Coração na mão (Heart in the Hand). Her research focuses on decolonial studies with a focus on indigenous cultures, and her creations are inspired by this knowledge. She is interested in the connection between dance/arts, philosophy and spirituality and believe in art as a portal through which we can develop our virtues as human beings.
Selected awards, scholarships, sponsorships:
Vitae Foundation (Brazil)
Subsidies granted by the City Department of Culture, Rio de Janeiro for "AMCD Dance Company "
Prize Caixa Econômica Federal for the show “Por onde os olhos não passam”
Prize Klauss Vianna, National Foundation of Art , Culture Ministry Brazil, for the show “ Gravidade Zero”
Prize EnCena Brasil, National Foundation of Art , Culture Ministry Brazil, for the show “Eletricidade”
1° prize XIII Festival de Dança do Triângulo, Uberlândia (MG), Brazil,
for the choreography “ Só Assim Você Não Vai Ficar Flutuando No Espaço Vazio”
1°prize Novo Hamburgo Dance Festival, Novo Hamburgo (RS), Brazil, for the choreography “ Só Assim Você Não Vai Ficar Flutuando No Espaço Vazio”
Best show, best dancers Andrea Maciel and Bruno Caverna, best sound track, best show for the popular jury , IV FENARTE- FUNESC, João Pessoa (PB), Brazil, for the show“ Duetos “
2° prize, IX Mostra de Novos Coreógrafos, Rio Arte, Rio de Janeiro for the choreography “Tudo Muito Sutil”
Selected Creations
2024 Naypi (Performance)
2022 Busca/Suche (Videodance)
2021 Coração na mão study #1 (Videodance)
2020 Coração na mão (videodance/Imaginativo)
2017 Vera Maria: a woman who loves (Performance)
2012 O processo é a cena: educação (The process is the scene: education)
2011 Mundos Paralelos (Parallel Words)
2011 Depois da enchente (After the Flood)
2011 Porque você não me olha? (Why don't you look at me?)
2010 Por um buraquinho de uma pequeníssima fechadura (Through a little keyhole)
2010 Equinócio (Equinox)
2009 Mar de Dentro (Sea inside)
2009 Gravidade Zero: movimento #3 (Zero Gravity: Movement n#3)
2009 Memórias do Rio de Janeiro (Memories of Rio de Janeiro)
2009 Partida (Departure)
2008 Corpalavra (Bodyword)
2008 Travessia (Crossing)
2008 Um no Outro (One in the Other)
2007 Os sentidos do prazer: movimento n# 2 (The senses of pleasure: movement n#2)
2006 Gravidade Zero (Zero Gravity)
2005 Videodança: edição e coreografia como sistemas semelhantes (Videodance: editing and choreography as similar systems)
2005 O Corpo Contemporâneo (The contemporary body)
2004 Noisescape
2004 A Imagem do Corpo (The Body Image)
2003 Candeias
2003 Do movimento ao som e vice versa (From movement to sound and vice versa)
2003 Corpo Imaterial (Immaterial Body)
2003 Por onde os olhos não passam (Where the eyes can't see)
2003 Imagens Coreográficas (Choreographic Images)
2002 Eletricidade (Electricity)
2002 Serenata (Serenade)
2001 A Mancha (The Splotch)
2000 Alaska quartet
1999 Alaska octet
1998 Alaska solo
1998 Duetos (Duets)
1996 Só Assim Você Não Vai Ficar Flutuando No Espaço Vazio (Only like this you won't be floating in the empty space)
1996 Sonhos: um dicionário de movimentos (Dreams: A Dictionary of Movements)
1995 As Ilhas (The Islands)
1994 Donde Estabas Tú (Where were you?)
1992 Tudo Muito Sutil (Everything Very Subtle)
1991 As Três Marias (The Three Marias)